3 x CACIB International Dog Show will be held from 23th to 25th September (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) of 2022 in Hungary in the village Jakabszállás (17 km from city of Kecskemét). Venue: village Jakabszállás, Sport Airport of the Aero Hotel.
GPS: N 46,748055, E 19,605278
46°44’53,00” N, 19°36’19,00 E
46°44,8833’ N, 19° 36,3167’ E
Informations for exhibitors
Dear Foreign Exhibitors,
Admission to the showground is possible with a vaccination card, in accordance with the national regulations;
our foreign exhibitors can travel to Hungary in accordance with the applicable entry conditions. Please consider these expectations when registering to the show.
The programs of the 3 x CACIB Dog Show Jakabszállás:
23th September of 2022 – Friday: CACIB Show I.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday: CACIB Show II.
25th September of 2022 – Sunday: CACIB Show III.
Online catalog will be prepared for the exhibition.
Exhibitors will not receive a descriptive judgements.
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Online catalog
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
Online catalog
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Online catalog
Deadline for entry of the 3 x CACIB Show:
I. Entry deadlines: until 31th July of 2022
II. Entry deadlines: 01th August of 2022 – 18th September of 2022
Super Best In Show
Super Junior Best In Show
Super Veteran Best In Show
Super Puppy Best In Show
Super Minor Puppy Best In Show
I – IV. in the Best In Show!
3 x CACIB International Dog Show Jakabszállás
Judge lists
The leader judge is Mr. András Korózs from Hungary.
FCI – I. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs, Australian Shepherd Dogs, Old English Sheepdog, Shetland Sheepdog
Tal Yaffe (ISL): Collie, Border Collie, Bearded Collie, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Welsh Corgi Pembroke
István Orcsik (SRB): German Shepherd Dogs, other dog breeds of group I.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
dr. György Tesics (HU): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs
Ildikó Muzslai (HU): Collie, Border Collie, Bearded Collie, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Australian Shepherd Dogs, Old English Sheepdog, Shetland Sheepdog
Peter Firic (SRB): German Shepherd Dogs, other dog breeds of group I.
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Emese Kaszás (HU): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs
Péter Muzslai (HU): Collie, Border Collie, Bearded Collie, Welsh Corgi Cardigan, Welsh Corgi Pembroke, Old English Sheepdog, Shetland Sheepdog
Eytan Hendel (ISL): Australian Shepherd Dogs, German Shepherd Dogs, other dog breeds of group I.
FCI – II. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
István Orcsik (SRB): Dobermann, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Bordeaux-i dog, Schnauzers, Great Dane
Tamás Radványi (HU): Russian dog breeds, English Bulldog, Pinschers, NewFoundland, Mastiff, Fila Brasileiro, Saint Bernard, Shar-Pei, Cane Corso, Mastino Napoletano, Leonberger, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Boxer
István Lakatos (HU): Swiss Mountain dogs, Hovawart, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Landseer, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Tibetan Mastiff, other dog breeds of group II.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
István Hajas (HU): Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Bordeaux-i dog,
Eytan Hendel (ISL): Schnauzers, Great Dane, Dobermann, Pinschers, NewFoundland, Mastiff, Fila Brasileiro, Saint Bernard, Shar-Pei, Cane Corso, Mastino Napoletano, Leonberger, Bernese Mountanin dog, Boxer
István Lakatos (HU): Russian dog breeds, English Bulldog,
Tamás Radványi (HU): Swiss Mountani dogs, Hovawart, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Landseer, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Tibetan Mastiff, other dog breeds of group II.
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Peter Firic (SRB): Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, Bordeaux-i dog, Russian dog breeds, English Bulldog
Tal Yaffe (ISL): Dobermann, Schnauzers, Great Dane
István Lakatos (HU): Pinschers, NewFoundland, Mastiff, Fila Brasileiro, Saint Bernard, Shar-Pei, Cane Corso, Mastino Napoletano, Leonberger, Bernese Mountain dogs, Boxer
Csaba Denk (HU): Swiss Mountain dogs, Hovawart, Dogo Argentino, Dogo Canario, Landseer, Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Tibetan Mastiff, other dog breeds of group II.
FCI – III. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
András Korózs (HU): Yorkshire Terrier
Joseph Pohling (D): other Short-legged Terrier
Peter Firic (SRB): Long-legged Terriers, Bull-type Terriers
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
István Orcsik (SRB): Yorkshire Terrier
Csaba Denk (HU): other Short-legged Terriers, Bull-type Terriers, Long-legged Terriers
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Joseph Pohling (D): Yorkshire Terrier, Bull-type Terriers, Long-legged Terriers
István Orcsik (SRB): other Short-legged Terriers
FCI – IV. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Joseph Pohling (D): the complete group
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
dr. György Tesics (HU): the complete group
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
István Orcsik (SRB): the complete group
FCI – V. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
dr. György Tesics (HU): the complete group
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
Joseph Pohling (D): the complete group
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): the complete group
FCI – VI. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
András Korózs (HU): the complete group
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
Peter Firic (SRB): the complete group
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Eytan Hendel (ISL): the complete group
FCI – VII. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Peter Firic (SRB): Hungarian Vizslas
dr. György Tesics (HU): other dog breeds of group VII.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
István Lakatos (HU): Hungarian Vizslas
Joseph Pohling (D): other dog breeds of group VII.
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Joseph Pohling (D): Hungarian Vizslas
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): other dog breeds of group VII.
FCI – VIII. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever
Joseph Pohling (D): other dog breeds of group VIII.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
Judit Beke (HU): the complete group
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
Tal Yaffe (ISL): Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel, American Cocker Spaniel
dr. György Tesics (HU): other dog breeds of group VIII.
FCI – IX. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Joseph Pohling (D): Poodles
Eytan Hendel (ISL): Pug, Boston Terrier, French Bulldog, Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested dog, Griffons, Tibetan dog breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, other dog breeds of group IX.
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
Tal Yaffe (ISL): French Bulldog, Pug, Boston Terrier, Poodles
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested dog, Griffons, Tibetan dog breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
István Orcsik (SRB): other dog breeds of group IX.
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
István Orcsik (SRB): French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Pug
Judit Beke (HU): Poodles, Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested dog, Griffons, Tibetan dog breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Agnes Ganami-Kertes (ISL): other dog breeds of group IX.
FCI – X. Group
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Eytan Hendel (ISL): the complete group
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
ldikó Muzslai (HU): the complete group
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
dr. György Tesics (HU): the complete group
Dog breeds not recognized by FCI.
23th September of 2022 – Friday
Peter Firic (SRB)
24th September of 2022 – Saturday
István Orcsik (SRB)
25th September of 2022 – Sunday
dr. György Tesics (HU)
The veterinary regulations in force in Hungary: a valid rabies vaccination for the dog is mandatory to combat the territory of the exhibition entrance! Entry to the EU countries and non-EU countries is in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
The damage caused by the dog owner is responsible!
Dogs with docked tail and cropped ears can be entered. They will be judged together with dogs with natural tail and ears.
Editorial Note: If you are browsing the entry from a mobile phone, please turn your phone horizontally so that you will see the “Entry deadlines and entry fees” properly!
3 x CACIB Dog Show Jakabszállás
Entry deadlines and entry fees
c First entry Second entry
C C deadline deadline
C from 18. 05. 2022 from 01. 08. 2022
C to 31. 07. 2022 to 18. 09. 2022
1st dog 45 € / day 55 € / day
Additional dog 40 € / day 50 € / day
Minor Puppy,
Puppy, Veteran 25 € / day 30 € / day
Entry on site:
Breeding group, Dog pairs 20 € / day
Junior handler 20 € / day
If the payment will be on the show, than the last deadline’s entry fees are valid:
For 1st dog, for other dogs (in junior, intermediate, open, working, champion class) local payment is 60 Euro / dog / day.
Minor puppy, Puppy and Veteran class dogs local payment is 35 Euro / dog / day.
Entering to the show is in accordance to the FCI and Hungarian Kennel Club’s Show Regulations, the exhibitor by signing the entry form, or by entering in the online-system, the exhibitor is undertake to comply with and be bound by the rules itself.
- To the show only those dogs can be entered, who has original FCI registeed pedigree, one dog can be entered only to one class.
- Entry is available by post and by online!
- The entry fee must be paid also in case of absence.
- Illegible and incomplete entry form can not be accepted.
The entry to the show is as per the current FCI and MEOESZ show regulation, accepted by signing the entry form or by using the online entry system.
Only dogs with FCI pedigrees can be entered, one dog can be entered only in one class. In case of absence the entry fee must be paid as well.
If you enter more dogs, the Minor Puppy, Puppy and Veteran classes entry fees is not counting as “First dog” in amount!
Reclassification fee: 10 EUR
Dog replacement fee: 10 EUR
Exhibition day replacement fee: 10 EUR
For correct class entries, please use the date of showing to calculate the age of the dog.
Entry classes
Please, click to the text, or the “+” sign and open the box, where you will see the entry classes.
Class Age Attached documents
Minor Puppy class 3 – 6 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Puppy class 6 – 9 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Junior class 9 – 18 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Intermediate class 15 – 24 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Open class From 15 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Working class From 15 months FCI accepted Working test certificate copy, copy of pedigree
Champion class From 15 months FCI National or International Champion certificate copy
Veteran class From 8 years FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
3 x CACIB Dog Show Jakabszállás online-entry is available, please, click>>
For the entry you must make registration before. In the online system you can only make the payment by Bankcard or Credit card.
If you enter more dogs, the Minor Puppy, Puppy and Veteran classes entry fees is not counting as “First dog” in amount!
They only accept your entry with a copy the payment confirmation attached (bank transfer receipt)!
They can not take over the costs of the bank wire transfer.
Entry is accepted after payment is fully done.
The entry fee must paid to the next account number:
Name of the account holder:
Duna-Tisza Közi Kynológiai Egyesület
Bank account number:
IBAN CODE: HU83 1176 3323 7253 0885 0000 0000
Swift (BIC) code: OTPVHUHB
Please state: Dog’s and Owner’s name! Please fill in the „remarks” field in every case otherwise we cannot identify your payment.
Class change of a dog is only possible until the final entry deadline. The exchange’s fee between classes is 10 EUR/change.
Registration form
Entry adress by post:
Hód-Dog Kutyabarát Egyesület
Pf./Po.box: 1.
Information of show entry in email:
Informations about the entry confirmaton in email:
Titles awarded in the Best In Show
Junior Handler:
(You can just to enter in the dog show is possible on venue)
I. from 9 until 13 years Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. place!
II. from 14 until 17 years Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. place!
Best pair:
(You can just to enter in the dog show is possible on venue)
A dog and a bitch of the same breed and variety and belonging to the same owner.
The dogs must be entered for the Dog Show too.
Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. place!
Breeding group:
(You can just to enter in the dog show is possible on venue)
Consisting of minimum three and maximum five exhibits of the same breed and variety, without distinction of sex, bred by the same person (same kennel name), even if they are not his property.
The dogs must be entered for the Dog Show too.
Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. place!
The title will be awarded in Minor Puppy age group(3-6months) only dog can compete who receive „Very Promossing” on the show
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
The title will be awarded in Minor Puppy age group(3-6months) only dog can compete who receive „Very Promossing” on the show
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
This title will awarded between the Veteran Class winners dogs.
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
This title will awarded between the dogs who receive „Best Junior” on the show. To the competition will be call after FCI groups separately.
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
BEST OF GROUP-BOG (FCI group 1-10):
Will awarded from the FCI breed who receive Best of Breed title, in each groups
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
This title will awarded from the Best of Group winners.
Ranking 1. 2. 3 . 4. place!
This Title will awarded between the Minor Puppy Best in Show Winner from Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Ranking 1. 2. and 3. place
This Title will awarded between the Puppy Best in Show Winner from Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Ranking 1. 2. and 3. place
This Title will awarded between the Veteran Best in Show Winner from Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Ranking 1. 2. and 3. place
This Title will awarded between the Junior Best in Show Winner from from Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Ranking 1. 2. and 3. place
This Title will awarded between the Best in Show Winner from from Friday Saturday and Sunday.
Ranking 1. 2. and 3. place
The venue of the 3 x CACIB Dog Show is
Jakabszállás located 17 km southwest of Kecskemét.
The settlement, inhabited since the Árpádian era, was depopulated during the Turkish occupation, its territory has become wilderness. Jakabszállás became an independent village in 1922 under the name Szabadjakabszállás, it got its current name in 1926. After becoming independent, they built the village hall and a chapel, which were taken care of by the Franciscan monks. The Roman Catholic church was build completed in 1944. The Reformed Church was built much later, in the early 1960s.
In the Kecskemét economic narrow-gauge railway was built in 1928, and the roads crossing the settlement were built in 1939-42, thus significantly reducing the isolation. In the latest age flying has also conquered village of Jakabszállás. Its grassy airport became operational in 1994, and in 2000 a solid runway was built. In 2009, the equestrian track was opened next to the airport.
It was formed at Jakabszállás a 1: 1000 scale model of the topography and hydrography of Hungary. The Kis-Magyarország Botanical Garden is a collection garden of 3,200 plants on 93,000 square meters, an integrated adventure park, a meeting place for creative artists and a great eco-recreation for the guests visiting here.
In the garden 3,200 settlements of Hungary are marked by one-one single plant, making it the most diverse collection botanical garden in the country. 1200 cubic meters of stone and gravel, 22,000 square meters of geotextile, 8,000 square meters of pond foil, several tons of grass seeds were used for its construction, 140 thousand seedlings, at the same time, 12 kilometers of new hiking trails, a 35 km irrigation system, 79,000 square meters of grassland and eight wells were created, and 10,000 aquatic plants were housed in the botanical garden.
A sleigh hill, 1: 1000 scale, 125 meters long, 17 meters wide and 8.8 meters high, which is modeled in the Himalayas, has been built nearby, and inside the hill there is a warming hut that can accommodate 70 people.
The town of Kecskemét is 17 km from Jakabszállás. The city is very rich in attractions. Get to know the city now.
The “famous city” combines historical traditions with modern aspirations. Its beautiful public buildings tell the story of ancient times, its museums and galleries have significant cultural value.
One of the most beautiful city centers of the country can be seen in Kecskemét, where a number of famous buildings welcome the visitor. The first to be the Art Nouveau-style town hall decorated with majolica ornaments, the bells on the façade of which play Kodály’s Viennese bell, and whose ballroom is decorated with murals by Bertalan Székely. The ceremonial hall of the Cifrapalota building, decorated with colorful floral ornaments and evoking the world of Hungarian folk tales presents popular motifs of Art Nouveau. The building is today a gallery of the city, in which be found is the 19th and 20th centuries valuable collection of Hungarian painting.
The defining building of the Main Square is the Great Church, which is the largest protestant baroque style cathedral in the great plain. Opposite the Town Hall is the oldest architectural monument of Kecskemét, the Franciscan Church. The monastery connected to the Church was built by the Franciscans, which today houses the Zoltán Kodály Institute of Music Education and has a permanent exhibition on the ground floor showing the life of the famous composer. Zoltán Kodály’s name coincides with city. At the Zoltán Kodály School of Singing and Music, students are taught according to the criteria of the world-famous Kodály method. Among the famous natives of Kecskemét, in addition to Zoltán Kodály, we should mention the playwright József Katona, his name is preserved by the József Katona Theater and the poet Sándor Petőfi, who lived and worked in this town between 1828 and 1830.
Other Art Nouveau historic buildings in the city include the Old Church, also known as the Great Church, which has long been a model for the churches of the Great Plain. The Lutheran Church, designed by Miklós Ybl and built in a romantic style. An integral part of the cityscape is the Reformed Church, as well as the former Moorish-style synagogue with the onion-domed tower.
Among its sights we have to highlight the Kecskemét Wildlife Park, which is the smallest zoo in the country. It was established in 1971, mainly to present domestic game and native Hungarian domestic animals.
The Kecskemét Arboretum, rich in wonderful natural beauties, stands out among the natural sights of the city. The 62-hectare area of the garden contains more than 900 different plant species and their variants. The Arboretum with its significant plant populationis outstanding element of the green area of Kecskemét. In the young plant collection today already among other things in the shade of tulip trees, lily trees, mammoth pines, oaks and rubber trees we can relax. The youngest part of the arboretum is the oak collection, which presents 16 types of oak species! The arboretum, next to the educational trails, awaits visitors with a wooden playground, rain gates, a pergola and a new lookout tower.
Come and visit us too, the organizers are waiting for you!
Dear reader! Thank you for reading this article, I hope it was helpful to you!🙂 Please, share this post to reach, as many dog exhibitor and interested people as possible! Thank you!🙂
If you are a dog exhibitor, or if you are interested the world of dog shows, then you visit my official website, where you can see on english language the Hungarian Dog Show Calendar 2022, and where you can viewed on english language all information about all Hungarian CAC + CACIB Dog Show, also about the Shows of Breed.
Hungarian Dog Show Calendar of 2022
You can see the next year’s hungarian dog shows in the Hungarian Dog Show Calendar of 2023.
I also recommend the Calendar of FCI World Dog Shows from 1971 to the present day and the Calendar of FCI European Dog Shows from 1982 to the present day, with dates and locations of World Dog Shows and European Dog Shows in recent and upcoming years, the numbers of dogs entered, the names and the breeds of BIS winners, the official websites, the results and some color videos with links.
🙂❤️ I am waiting with useful articles the dog lovers, the dog owners of pet, the breeders, the exhibitors and everyone, who loves dogs! ❤️ 🙂
Please visit often my official website:
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