3 x CACIB International Dog Show in Hungary in Hódmezővásárhely from 20th to 22th October (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) of 2023. Venue: Hódmezővásárhely, the Hód Mezőgazda Zrt. Exhibition Center.
Next to Highway 47 (at kilometer 194).
MIO GPS: N46,436288, E20,360037
IGO GPS: 46°26’10,64″ N,20°21’36,13″E
Informations of exhibitors
20th October 2023- Friday
Round assigment
21th October 2023 – Saturday
Round assigment
22th October 2023 – Sunday
Round assigment
The programs of the 3 x CACIB Dog Show Hódmezővásárhely:
20th October of 2023 – Friday: CACIB Show I.
21th October of 2023 – Saturday: CACIB Show II.
22th October of 2023 – Sunday: CACIB Show III.
Deadline for entry of the 3 x CACIB Dog Show:
I. Entry deadlines: 22th June of 2023 – 21th August of 2023
II. Entry deadlines: 22th August of 2023 – 24th September of 2023
III. Entry deadlines: 25th September of 2023 – 08th October of 2023
🏆 Special champion rules at the 3 x CACIB Dog Show weekend 🏆
- the Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner title can get those dogs, who receive 3 very promissing I. title in minor puppy class (between 3-6 months old age) during 3 shows, ergo
3 x Very Promissing I. = Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner.
- the Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner title can get those dogs, who receive 3 very promissing I. title in puppy class (between 6-9 months old age) during 3 shows, ergo
3 x Very Promissing I. = Hungarian Puppy Grand Winner.
- the Hungarian Junior Champion title can get for those dogs, who receive 3 HPJ title in junior class (between 9-18 months old age) during 3 shows, ergo
3 x HPJ = Hungarian Junior Champion.
- the Hungarian Veteran Champion title can get for those dogs, who receive 3 veteran CAC title in veteran class (from 8 years) during 3 shows, ergo
3 x Veteran CAC = Hungarian Veteran Champion.
The following exhibition titles are also available:
Whichever Junior class dog wins 3 Best Junior titles will be awarded the title „Hód Dog Show Triple Day Junior Winner 2023”.
The dog that wins the CACIB title on all three days will receive the title „Hód Dog Show Triple Day Winner 2023”.
3 x CACIB International Dog Show Hódmezővásárhely
Judge lists
The leader judge is Dr. Tamás Jakkel from Hungary.
FCI – I. Group
20th Octoberof 2023 – Friday
Gabriella Csigai (HU): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): English Shepherd Dogs, Australian Shepherd Dogs, other dog breeds of group I.
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Gábor Korózs (HU): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs
Tímea Dezső (HU): Border Collie
Szilvia Gróf (HU): other English Shepherd Dogs and Australian Shepherd Dogs
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB): other dog breeds of group I.
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): Hungarian Shepherd Dogs
Pietro Bottagisio (I): English Shepherd Dogs, Australian Shepherd Dogs
Tibor Gere (SRB): other dog breeds of group I.
FCI – II. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Mile Aleksoski (SK): Dobermann, Schnauzers, Boxer, Berner Sennenhund, Russian dog breeds
Pietro Bottagisio (I): Cane Corso
Panche Dameski (MK): Molosser breeds, English Bulldog, Shar-Pei, other dog breeds of group II.
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Panche Dameski (MK): Dobermann, Schnauzers, Boxer, Berner Sennenhund, Russian dog breeds
Dušan Paunović (SRB): Cane Corso
Mile Aleksoski (MK): Molosser breeds, English Bulldog, Shar-Pei, other dog breeds of group II.
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Dušan Paunović (SRB): Dobermann, Schnauzers, Boxer, Berner Sennenhund, Russian dog breeds
Mile Aleksoski (MK): Cane Corso
Tibor Gere (SRB): Rottweiler
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB): Molosser breeds, English Bulldog, Shar-Pei, other dog breeds of group II.
FCI – III. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Hans Algren (S): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Dušan Paunović (SRB): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB): the complete group
FCI – IV. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Pietro Bottagisio (I): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Hans Algren (S): the complete group
FCI – V. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Pietro Bottagisio (I): Volpino Italiano
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB): other dog breeds of group V.
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Hans Algren (S): the complete group
FCI – VI. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Gabriella Csigai (HU): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Hans Algren (S): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Panche Dameski (MK): the complete group
FCI – VII. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Dušan Paunović (SRB): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Vilmos Kardos (HU): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Panche Dameski (MK): the complete group
FCI – VIII. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Dušan Paunović (SRB): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Vilmos Kardos (HU): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): the complete group
FCI – IX. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Vilmos Kardos (HU): Poodles, Chihuahua, Boston Terrier, Pug, French Bulldog
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB): other dog breeds of group IX.
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Hans Algren (S): French Bulldog, Pug, Boston Terrier, Poodles, Chihuahua
Szilvia Gróf (HU): other dog breeds of group IX.
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Szilvia Gróf (HU): French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Pug, Chihuahua, Poodles
Vilmos Kardos (HU): other dog breeds of group IX.
FCI – X. Group
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Hans Algren (S): the complete group
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Pietro Bottagisio (I): the complete group
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU): the complete group
Dog breeds not recognized by FCI.
20th October of 2023 – Friday
Tibor Bošnjak (SRB)
21th October of 2023 – Saturday
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
22th October of 2023 – Sunday
Dušan Paunović (SRB)
Best In Show judge list
Please click on the text or the „+” sign and open the box, in which you will find the international judges of the BIS program.
Child – dog pair / Junior Handler I. – II.
Dorottya Alexandra Váczi (HU)
Best Brace:
Panche Dameski (MK)
Breeder’s Group:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
Minor Puppy BIS:
Gabriella Csigai (HU)
Puppy BIS:
Pietro Bottagisio (I)
Veteran BIS:
Panche Dameski (MK)
Best Hungarian breed:
Gabriella Csigai (HU)
Dog breeds not recognized by FCI BIS:
Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
The most beautiful Hódmezővásárhely dog:
Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
FCI – I. Group:
Hans Almgren (S)
FCI – II. Group:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
FCI – III. Group:
Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
FCI – IV. Group:
Gabriella Csigai (HU)
FCI – V. Group:
Panche Dameski (MK)
FCI – VI. Group:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
FCI – VII. Group:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
FCI – VIII. Group:
Hans Almgren (S)
FCI – IX. Group:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
FCI – X. Group:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
Junior BIS:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
Best In Show
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
Child – dog pair / Junior Handler I. – II.
Dorottya Záhonyi-Ábel (HU)
Best Brace:
Gábor Korózs (HU)
Breeder’s Group:
Pietro Bottagisio (I)
Minor Puppy BIS:
Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
Puppy BIS:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
Veteran BIS:
Hans Almgren (S)
Best Hungarian breed:
Gábor Korózs (HU)
Dog breeds not recognized by FCI BIS:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
The most beautiful Hódmezővásárhely dog:
Hans Almgren (S)
FCI – I. Group:
Pietro Bottagisio (I)
FCI – II. Group:
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
FCI – III. Group:
Szilvia Gróf (HU)
FCI – IV. Group:
Hans Almgren (S)
FCI – V. Group:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
FCI – VI. Group:
Gabriella Csigai (HU)
FCI – VII. Group:
Bosnjak Tibor (SRB)
FCI – VIII. Group:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
FCI – IX. Group:
Szilvia Gróf (HU)
FCI – X. Group:
Pietro Bottagisio (I)
Junior BIS:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
Panche Dameski (MK)
Best In Show:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
Dog – child pair / Junior Handler I. – II.
Dorottya Pintér (HU)
Best Brace:
Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
Breeder’s Group:
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
Minor Puppy BIS:
Szilvia Gróf (HU)
Puppy BIS:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
Veteran BIS:
Gábor Korózs (HU)
Best Hungarian breed:
Mile Aleksoski (SK)
Dog breeds not recognized by FCI BIS:
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
The most beautiful Hódmezővásárhely dog:
Tibor Gere (SRB)
FCI – I. Group:
Tibor Gere (SRB)
FCI – II. Group:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
FCI – III. Group:
Gábor Korózs (HU)
FCI – IV. Group:
Pietro Bottagisio (I)
FCI – V. Group:
Tibor Gere (SRB)
FCI – VI. Group:
Panche Dameski (SK)
FCI – VII. Group:
Panche Dameski (SK)
FCI – VIII. Group:
Hans Almgren (S)
FCI – IX. Group:
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
FCI – X. Group:
Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)
Junior BIS:
Vilmos Kardos (HU)
Dusan Paunovic (SRB)
Best In Show:
Mile Aleksoski (MK)
The veterinary regulations in force in Hungary: a valid rabies vaccination for the dog is mandatory to combat the territory of the exhibition entrance! Entry to the EU countries and non-EU countries is in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
The damage caused by the dog owner is responsible!
Dogs with docked tail and cropped ears can be entered. They will be judged together with dogs with natural tail and ears.
Editorial Note: If you are browsing the entry from a mobile phone, please turn your phone horizontally so that you will see the “Entry deadlines and entry fees” properly!
3 x CACIB International Dog Show Hódmezővásárhely
Entry deadlines and entry fees
c First entry Second entry Last entry
C C deadline deadline deadline
C from 22. 06. 2023 from 22. 08. 2023 from 25. 09. 2023
C to 21. 08. 2023 to 24. 09. 2023 to 08. 10. 2023
1st dog 45 € / day 55 € / day 60 € / day
Additional dog 40 € / day 50 € / day 60 € / day
Minor Puppy,
Puppy, Veteran 25 € / day 30 € / day 35 € / day
Breeding group, Dog pairs 20 € / day
Junior handler 20 € / day
Swap dog: 10 €
Class changes: free
Entering to the show is in accordance to the FCI and Hungarian Kennel Club’s Show Regulations, the exhibitor by signing the entry form, or by entering in the online-system, the exhibitor is undertake to comply with and be bound by the rules itself.
- To the show only those dogs can be entered, who has original FCI registeed pedigree, one dog can be entered only to one class.
- Entry is available by post and by online!
- The entry fee must be paid also in case of absence.
- Illegible and incomplete entry form can not be accepted.
The entry to the show is as per the current FCI and MEOESZ show regulation, accepted by signing the entry form or by using the online entry system.
Only dogs with FCI pedigrees can be entered, one dog can be entered only in one class. In case of absence the entry fee must be paid as well.
If you enter more dogs, the Minor Puppy, Puppy and Veteran classes entry fees is not counting as „First dog” in amount!
For correct class entries, please use the date of showing to calculate the age of the dog.
For correct class entries, please use the date of showing to calculate the age of the dog.
Entry classes
Please, click to the text, or the “+” sign and open the box, where you will see the entry classes.
Class Age Attached documents
Minor Puppy class 3 – 6 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Puppy class 6 – 9 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Junior class 9 – 18 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Intermediate class 15 – 24 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Open class From 15 months FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
Working class From 15 months FCI accepted Working test certificate copy, copy of pedigree
Champion class From 15 months FCI National or International Champion certificate copy
Veteran class From 8 years FCI or FCI Contract partner originated copy of pedigree
3 x CACIB Dog Show Hódmezővásárhely online-entry is available>>
For the entry you must make registration before. In the online system you can only make the payment by Bankcard or Credit card.
If you enter more dogs, the Minor Puppy, Puppy and Veteran classes entry fees is not counting as “First dog” in amount!
Local payment + 10 EUR / dog / day, calculated up!
They only accept your entry with a copy the payment confirmation attached (bank transfer receipt)!
They can not take over the costs of the bank wire transfer.
Entry is accepted after payment is fully done.
The entry fee must paid to the next account number:
Name of the account holder:
Hód Dog Kutyabarát Egyesület
Bank account number:
IBAN CODE: HU66 1070 0158 6777 0580 5000 0005 (EURO)
Swift (BIC) code: CIBHHUHB
Please in the comment put the note: your dog’s name and the whole amount written, as we have to recognise it more easily. All information will be forwaded to this e-mail address noted. Please fill in the „remarks” field in every case otherwise we cannot identify your payment.
Class change of a dog is only possible until the final entry deadline. The exchange’s fee between classes is 10 EUR/change.
Registration form
Entry adress by post:
Hód-Dog Kutyabarát Egyesület
Pf./Po.box: 1.
Show informations are the Hód Dog Kutyabarát Egyesület official website >>.
Information of show entry in email:
City of the 3 x CACIB Dog Show is
Hódmezővásárhely is one of the most important economic and cultural centers of the Great Plain and the second largest city in Hungary.
The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times. The first written records of the settlements of Hód and Vásárhely date back to the beginning of the 13th century. A XV. In the 16th century, Hódmezővásárhely was formed from the merger of these two settlements, which functioned mainly as a market town. The main livelihoods of the population were provided by farming, markets and animal fairs. This city also suffered Turkish rule, first demolished in the 1550s and then again in the late 1600s. The destroyed city was rebuilt in 1700. It took decades to resettle the city’s population. During the fighting of 1848-49, the youth of the city took part in the fighting in the south. The city really started to develop from the 1870s and by 1890 it was already the fourth most populous city in the country. After World War I, the city came under French and then Romanian occupation, during which it suffered great damage. Until World War II, the city remained agricultural in nature, but after that, industry also became increasingly important. From the end of the 19th century, the art life in the city was significant, the landscape of the Great Plain, the proximity of the Tisza, the tranquility and the beauty of the sheer attracted the artists here. Building on the traditions of folk art, the city has developed a vibrant cultural life since the early 20th century. Since the change of regime, the life of Hódmezővásárhely has been characterized by steady development. In 1997, the work of Hódmezővásárhely in the field of infrastructural developments and the expansion of the social network was recognized with the European Prize. In 2009 Hódmezővásárhely became the Settlement of the Year, then in 2010 it received the Hungarian Heritage Award.
The city is constantly evolving, visitors can discover the myriad values of the market town with a long history, the downtown included in the ring of Art Nouveau buildings, the city’s spa, the modern sports pool and the picturesque surroundings of the Tisza backwater. In the center of the city and in the old parts of the city starting from here you will find a nice number of monumental buildings, villas and folk brick buildings. The city abounds in sculptures, outdoor works of fine art, which prove that we are in an art city in the Great Plain. The main square of the city, Kossuth Square, is completely landscaped, making it a favorite resting place for the residents.
Among the built heritage of Hódmezővásárhely stand out the buildings built under the rule of the Károlyi family, such as the Reformed Old Church, the classicist building of the Alföld Gallery, the oldest built heritage of the city is the Romanesque and Gothic Csomorkányi Church ruins from the 13th and 14th centuries. Other outstanding buildings are the eclectic style building of the Town Hall, as well as one of the largest ballrooms without columns in the Great Plain, the Black Eagle Event House, which is the venue for balls and cultural events, the Greek Orthodox Church and the János Tornyai Museum. On the main street of the city, in the middle of a small park, stands the Downtown Roman Catholic Church, whose middle and two side ships were built according to the plans of Miklós Ybl in the mid-1800s. As you can read, the city abounds in religious buildings, the largest baroque Reformed church in the Great Plain, the New Church, as well as the eclectic building of the Israelite Church, the Synagogue, with its characteristic Art Nouveau decoration are located here, which the city has renovated it for the 60th anniversary of the Holocaust. The equestrian statue of St. Stephen stands in St. Stephen’s Square, behind which is the Roman Catholic Church of St. Stephen, built in 1936.
In the town’s country house, visitors can get acquainted with the history of embroidery and ceramics in Vásárhely. The Cellar Museum of Peasant Tools is a private collection of peasant life. The renovated Papi windmill and miller’s house also provide a venue for more and more programs.
The bathing life in Vásárhely dates back more than half a century. The modern City Sports Swimming Pool, which is also suitable for international sports competitions built next to the beach, is also constantly waiting for those who want to play sports.
Nature lovers will find their entertainment here too, the Fehértó of Kardoskút is of natural value in Hódmezővásárhely. In a part of Kardoskúti Fehértó, there is a herd of Hungarian gray cattle, racka and cigálya sheep of the Kőrös-Maros National Park. These native protected animal species carry invaluable values and are recorded as a valuable gene pool. The area is rich in cultural and historical values. The Kardoskút Museum is located in the immediate vicinity of the protected area, in the Puszta Center. The exhibition summarizes and presents the history and natural values of the area. You can observe the changes in the landscape, its flora and fauna illustrated with old maps, drawings and photos. Information boards in the protected area help you find your way.
Come and visit us too, the organizers are waiting for you!
Dear reader! Thank you for reading this article, I hope it was helpful to you!🙂 Please, share this post to reach, as many dog exhibitor and interested people as possible! Thank you!🙂
If you are a dog exhibitor, or if you are interested the world of dog shows, then you visit my official website, where you can see on english language the Hungarian Dog Show Calendar 2023, and where you can viewed on english language all information about all Hungarian CAC + CACIB Dog Show, also about the Shows of Breed.
Hungarian Dog Show Calendar of 2023
I also recommend the Calendar of FCI World Dog Shows from 1971 to the present day and the Calendar of FCI European Dog Shows from 1982 to the present day, with dates and locations of World Dog Shows and European Dog Shows in recent and upcoming years, the numbers of dogs entered, the names and the breeds of BIS winners, the official websites, the results and some color videos with links.c
🙂❤️ I am waiting with useful articles the dog lovers, the dog owners of pet, the breeders, the exhibitors and everyone, who loves dogs! ❤️ 🙂
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❤️ 🙂 I waiting you with love and many valuable articles! 🙂❤️
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